Like I said in my last post, I got a juicer for christmas. I have wanted one for over a year because I saw the interesting documentary called
The Gerson Miracle. It's about Dr. Charlotte Gerson, whose father, Dr. Max Gerson, developed a
holistic approach to curing cancer and diseases. It involved an all vegan, all raw diet. This treatment has claimed to cured hundreds of people, and some with very very severe illness. This even includes herself--- her dad cured her asthma when she was a teenager. And, if you stay on the diet, it claims to keep most major and minor illness away for good. Needless to say, I was intrigued. I have tried an all raw diet before, and while I have nothing against it, it was not for me. I am not sure I believe in staying on a raw diet for the long run, but if I ever have cancer, I would seriously consider her treatment.
Juicing is a big part of the diet. Apple and carrot juice is the main one. I have decided to have one fresh glass of juice every morning at least, and I started off the first few days with apple carrots. But I decided my juice needed to be a bit more green. So, I added some kale and orange. Now, if you don't like the taste of kale, don't worry, you can't taste it at all. It does turn it green though.
This makes one serving. Because the vegetables and fruits will start oxidizing quickly, only make the juice to order and drink it within 10 minutes.
1 small apple
1 small orange
A handful of kale
1 small carrot
Cut all the apples and carrots into pieces that can fit into your juicer. No need to core or peal.
Peal the orange and cut into pieces that can fit into your juicer.
Make sure the kale is washed. If the stalks are too big, you can remove them.

Turn on your juicer, and start adding the fruits and veggies slowly so you do not over load the machine.
The juice comes out kind of frothy, my mom called it "Orange Julius-like."
Give the juice a stir and enjoy! You get half your daily fruits and vegetables in one delicious drink. You can even add any supplements or powders to make taking them easy too.
What a great way to start off every morning for the new year? |
I hope you all have a fun and safe New Years Eve. I hope 2012 brings you all nothing but happiness and good health. Maybe make more fresh raw juice in your diet one of your resolutions?
We need to focus on ourselves first to ensure that we are healthy enough to participate in all the other activities and priorities in our lives.
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